Civitavecchia is an Italian municipality with 52,650 inhabitants of the Rome Capital Metropolitan City in Lazio. Faced with the Tirreno Sea, its history is linked to seafaring and trade, and today the port of Civitavecchia is among the most important in Italy, the second European airport for the number of passengers transiting each year Territory
The village, which later became Civitavecchia, developed along the Tyrrhenical Coast in Etruscan times. The town is situated in a territory between the river Mignone in the north and the river Marangone in the south. Although it does not have much of a height, the suburb is slightly up compared to the rest of the neighborhoods. In addition, there are numerous ditches and small canyons leaving from the nearby mountains of Tolfa and going out to sea. The coast has many inlets and golfets (cellars) with rocky seabed, while the sand beaches are only north. The last stretch of the river Mignone flows north of Civitavecchia and flows into the province of Viterbo and eventually into the Tirreno Sea. Name Sources Centum Cellae (this is the Latin name meaning Hundred Cells) was at the time reported, according to Plinio the Young Man for the first time in a letter in 107 AD, to a place where great construction work was under way for the port, near the villa of Emperor Traiano. It can therefore be assumed that the city was completed around 110 A.D.
There are many hypotheses which have been put forward to explain the origin of the name Centumcellae. It is believed to refer to the number of natural inlets on the coast, or to the many environments built in the Darsena for the collection of goods, or to the hundred rooms of the Imperial Villa. In 1982, following the destructive invasion of the Saracens, the people left the center, first in the mountains, and then in a new site called “Cencelle” (to distinguish it from the primitive), until it finally returned to the city of origin in 889, changing its name to Civitas Vetula (Old City) to distinguish it from Cencelle.
Civitavecchia History
The city was certainly created by an Etruscan settlement.
The civic area does not really become a city, nor is it present in Roman documents, until after the return of Traiano in 103 AD. Prehistory Civitavecchia’s territory has been inhabited since ancient times. Around the river Fiumaretta, dots of arrows and silica scrapers of neolitic times were found. In the areas of Mattonara, Malpass and Torre Chiaruccia, the erosion of the coast has revealed numerous discharges of huts of the bronze age and the iron age.
These are populations that certainly have their livelihoods taken from the sea. The Etruscan Age Pages Plinio the Old Man in Naturalis Historia, in book III devoted to the geography of the Western Mediterranean, in listing the peoples of the ancient Etruria, he names the Aquenses Taurini and the Castronovans. The location of the two settlements was established on the first site at Colle Ficoncella near the remains of Terme di Traiano, the second at the Marangone stream. The entire territory of Civitavecchia is littered with remnants of Etruscan graves, and it can be assumed that even in the pre – eroman era, in the current center of the city, a small Etruscan settlement flourished.
Civitavecchia to rome airport 65 km