Improves passenger traffic at Palermo airport Falcone Borsellino . Data processed by Gesap’s statistics service, the management company of Palermo airport, indicate that August closed at -38.36% (with 473,961 passengers compared to 768,920 last year). This is a positive jump of almost 20 percentage points compared to July, largely due to domestic traffic (342,725 passengers), down 28.54% on August 2019 (479,604). Passengers on international flights were 131,236, down 54.64% compared to 289,316 thousand in August 2019. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the progressive traffic data was: March (83,543, -81.88%), April (6,041, -98.98%), May (14,664, -97.77%), June (78,559, -88.77%), July (321,565, -58.52%).
In August, an average of about 16 thousand passengers per day and an average occupancy index of almost 120 passengers per flight were recorded. There was also a small recovery in the number of flights, 3,967, 29.01% less than the flights made in the same period last year. The annual progressive, from January to August, marks a decrease of 62.41% in passenger traffic (1,777,046 against 4,727,379 in 2019) and -54.91% in movements (15,716 against 34,858 in 2019).