Morocco and Scannella: “The mayor of Fiumicino will be a civil plaintiff and guarantee the work in safety to the Local Police”.
Fiumicino Rome Airport – The unions of Cgil and Cisl intervene in the attack on an urban policeman, which took place at Fiumicino Airport.
“A new verbal and physical aggression at Fiumicino Airport against an officer of the Local Police of Fiumicino – declare Roberto Scannella (FP CGIL Rome and Lazio) and Michele Marocco (CISL FP Rome Capital and Rieti) – guilty of wanting to enforce the rules and regulations to the drivers of the vehicles for rental with driver but especially to counteract the squatters who are stationed daily at the airport. Yesterday, September 22nd, during a normal control at Fiumicino airport, an officer of the Local Police was attacked, with a prognosis of 5 days, by a customer service provider who did not tolerate the checks that the Local Police was carrying out on the vouchers of the few travelers who unfortunately, in this difficult time for our country related to the health emergency, are increasingly scarce”.
“The scarcity of tourism at the rome airport is generating a war between those who offer car rental services more and more ruthless to get customers. An aggressiveness generated by not wanting to respect those rules that the Local Police tries to apply. The illegality linked to violence, the lack of respect for the rules and especially towards women and men who wear a uniform, who represent the State and have the task of enforcing the rules, cannot be tolerated in any way”.
“We therefore ask the Mayor of Fiumicino – concluded Roberto Scannella and Michele Marocco – to join the civil action in the possible trial against those guilty of these acts and to put in place all appropriate initiatives to ensure that the members of the Local Police can work safely exercising their functions for the respect of the rules that everyone except no one should respect, in the hope that as soon as possible the members of the Local Police can be equated for welfare and social security purposes to the police forces to state order”.
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