New cab fares in Rome. The fares for cab services in Rome are updated. The resolution of the Capitoline Council of May 25 with regard to fixed rates, already contemplated on some routes, plans an increase in costs for users ranging from one to two euros more. By way of example: the cost of the Fiumicino Airport – Aurelian Walls route goes from 48 to 50 euros; the price of the Fiumicino Rome Airport – Tiburtina Station route varies from 55 to 57 euros. The only major increase is of 5 euros on the route between Fiumicino Rome Airport and Civitavecchia Port, which rises from 120 to 125 euros. On the other hand, a one-euro increase is provided for routes such as Ciampino Airport – Tiburtina Station: here the increase is from 35 to 36 euros. The maximum limit for any journey within the Grande Raccordo Anulare is set at 73 euros, previously at 70 euros.
Small variations are also provided for on the fixed departure fee on public holidays. In the time slot between 6 and 10 pm the fee goes from 4.5 euros to 5 euros; between 10 pm and 6 am the starting point is 7 euros instead of 6.5 euros. The fixed fee for calling the Radio Taxi service goes from 3.5 euros to 4 euros. The tariff adjustment, according to the unions of the cab industry, is “in fact comparable to a simple tip”. Federtaxi Cisal, Ugl Taxi, Fit Cisl Lazio, Uiltrasporti Lazio, Uti, Usb cab and ATI cab, say that “the adjustment has been expected nine long years” and that “the increase of about 4 percent of current rates was decided without any kind of comparison with the union representatives of the sector. Interviewed by “Agenzia Nova”, Alessandro Atzeni of the Uiltrasporti Lazio reports that “there should have been an opinion of the Capitoline Commission Mobility and an opinion of an advisory committee participated by all stakeholders”. According to Atzeni, the adjustment “is absolutely inconsistent with the regulations and with the necessary transparency”.
From the Department of Mobility of the Capitol, however, respond that the update “has nothing to do with the revision of tariffs proper, as provided for by the new regulation in the resolution of the Capitoline Assembly approved last month, review that must proceed as a result of the comparison with the representatives of the operators.
“Once again the Raggi administration demonstrates the most complete inadequacy in the management of Roma Capitale. The update of cab fares as established by the resolution of the council is wrong in ways and terms, as it completely ignores the democracy that would have provided for an opinion of the mobility committee and an opinion of the advisory committee attended by all stakeholders in an appropriate adjustment of cab fares “. This is what Alessandro Atzeni of Uil Transport Lazio states, adding that “The Capitoline Council has ignored one of the fundamental steps of Resolution No. 68 of 2011, namely that the same provided for a control on rates already since 2014 not performed and ignored in 2016 and a comprehensive control with a total cost analysis to allow you to protect both the operator and the users connected to the service. In fact, the failure to apply the full dictates of Article 31 of Resolution 68 of 2011, have created a vulnus that could be counterproductive for the same users.” And again: “The price control of the service every two years – adds the union – also contains the need that after 6 years must be calculated every cost variable whose end result may be an improvement in favor of the user or a positive adjustment in favor of the operator. The Raggi junta has completely ignored this passage in the regulation of non-scheduled public services passed by resolution number 68 of 2011. The non-application of the control every 6 years, expired in 2018, of all variables and operating costs, eliminates transparency, which with this provision was sanctioned in favor of the users. The resolution of the council as well as being offensive for the manner and technique with which it was treated the adjustment of cab fares, is absolutely inconsistent with the regulations and the necessary transparency of an administered price that needs a careful analysis of overall costs. As representatives, not only of workers but also of the defense of regulations and rules, we call for the withdrawal of the council resolution with an overall recalculation, as provided for by resolution number 68 in 2011 and the necessary transparency of the administered price tariff”.
source: rome airport taxi